Lead Teacher
Darion (Carett Darion Donegan), a passionate and accomplished musician, embarked on his musical journey within the vibrant atmosphere of his local church, where his father held the esteemed positions of lead pastor and head of the music department. From an early age, Darion found himself captivated by his father's exceptional skills on the guitar and piano, igniting within him a deep desire to explore the boundless realms of musical artistry.
In his early teens, Darion serendipitously acquired a discarded realistic keyboard that was on the brink of being discarded. Despite a few non-functional keys, it proved to be a treasured opportunity for him to immerse himself in the world of music. Under the tutelage of his father, he embarked on home lessons, mastering the foundational chords and developing his ability to play by ear—a skill that would become a hallmark of his musical prowess.
Darion's passion for music flourished throughout his high school years, where he became an integral part of the vibrant musical community. Although not the primary pianist in the band, his talent and dedication secured him the position of second keys alongside Junior Scoot—an accomplished musician who had even worked with gospel jazz singer Kim Burrell. This invaluable experience honed Darion's skills and expanded his musical horizons.
Driven by an insatiable hunger for musical knowledge, Darion pursued higher education at the renowned Edna Manley School of the Visual and Performing Arts. There, he majored in piano studies, immersing himself in the intricate nuances of this versatile instrument. Additionally, he explored his vocal abilities through a minor in vocals, cementing his versatility as an artist. While predominantly focused on pop music, Darion also developed a solid foundation in classical piano, lending depth and breadth to his musical repertoire.
Following his college years, Darion's passion for both education and music converged as he embarked on a decade-long journey as a classroom music teacher with the Ministry of Education in Jamaica. Simultaneously, he honed his skills as a musician and producer, collaborating with some of the island's most prominent musical talents. Notably, he served as the lead keyboardist for Chronixx, contributing to the groundbreaking resurgence of live bands in the early 2010s.
To further augment his expertise, Darion pursued a diploma in audio engineering and music production at the esteemed School of Audio Engineering in New York, following his migration to the United States. This additional qualification elevated his technical proficiency, enabling him to meld his passion for music with an astute ear for sonic perfection.
At present, Darion finds immense fulfillment in his role as a lead music teacher at TCMi NYC. Fuelled by an unwavering enthusiasm for sharing the transformative power of music, he derives immeasurable joy from witnessing the growth and progress of his students. Observing the results of their dedicated practice and unwavering discipline brings him a profound sense of fulfillment.
Darion's remarkable musical journey, steeped in diverse experiences and an unrelenting love for his craft, has left an indelible impact on every stage he has graced and every student he has inspired. With a rich tapestry of accomplishments and an unwavering dedication to his art, Darion continues to illuminate the world through the timeless gift of music.